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Innolabs Ideas Contest, {Pitch your innovative solutions in digital health 2018 à Paris10 - Catalogues / Foxoo
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Innolabs Ideas Contest, {Pitch your innovative solutions in digital health 2018 à Paris10 / Catalogues

Evènement passé.

Du 21 au 22 juin 2018 à Paris10 (75).


As a part of its European project INNOLABS https://www.innolabs.io/), Cap Digital http://www.capdigital.com/) is organizing on the 21st and 22nd June in Paris, an Idea Contest https://www.innolabs.io/ideaContestParis.html for start-ups and SMEs acting in the field of ICT and biomedicine and striving to find innovative solutions in digital health.

This contest is free and is a unique networking opportunity with experts in this field, to share with them your solutions and work on improving it after their mentoring.

The participants will have one on one coaching sessions with experts before presenting their pitch to a jury.

The winning teams will be awarded with money prize of 17 500 EUR, 12 500 EUR and 6 000 EUR . The date limit for sending in the applications is 24 May . Applications can be downloaded here: https://www.innolabs.io/ideaContestParis.html https://www.innolabs.io/ideaContestParis.html

On the 21st of June, they will attend one-on-one coaching sessions with top health experts on the following topics:

the most efficient business models in digital health and pharma;
healthcare investment process;
strategies of win-win cooperation with corporate partners;
intellectual property rights management.

Furthermore, this contest is an opportunity for start-ups/SMEs to practice for the Second Innolabs Open Call https://www.innolabs.io/open-call.html .
Enregistrement : https://www.innolabs.io/ideaContestParis.html, EMAIL

Cap Digital

14 rue Alexandre Parodi
Débute à 09H00

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